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Tuesday, March 20, 2018

2020 Speaker Titles

One Motivated Mama Inspirational "Where you are going" Canvas by Ana Brandt.    www.shoptaopan.com  #inspiration #motivation #knowwhereyouaregoing #whereyoucamefrom #canvas #wallart #motivatedmama:
Visit Ana Brandt's Site
These are just a few titles offered by Kathleen Brandt as a conference Keynote Speaker or seminar Presenter. All are tailored to your conference theme or celebration. If you don't see what you want here, know I offer custom designed presentations and workshops. Know that all of the presentations are chocked full of actual images and many have real life short case studies. 

I am now scheduling for 2017.  But remember, I am often called upon as a last minute substitute, because we can never plan for those unplanned "life" events

Be sure to review the Experience/Qualifications page. 

Kathleen Brandt
Keynote Speaker/Presenter

Presentation Titles for Your Conference

Revolutionary War
·         Finding Your Revolutionary War Soldier
·         7 Best Revolutionary War Resources
·         Your Blacksheep: Courts-martial and Courts of inquiry records
War of 1812
·         War of 1812 Records: 10 Places to Research
·         Researching Your War of 1812 Impressed Seamen
Revolutionary War and War of 1812
·         African Americans Served Too – Finding Records
Civil War
·         10 Best Bets for Civil War Research 
·         7 Tips to Researching Slaves and Slaveholders
·         Finding Your Elusive Civil War Veteran
·         Claim It!  Southern Claims Commission Records and Slave Claims Commission Records
·         Researching Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) and other Association Records
·         Civil War POW Records
Modern Wars (WWI - WWII
·         Military Records Were Destroyed? What to Do?
·         7 Easy Tips to WWI and WWII Research
·         Forgotten Records -  WWI and WWII

Research Methodology
·         Leaping Over Brickwalls
·         The Changing Surname - How to Trace It?

·         DNA: Spit or Swab?  (Beginner)
·         DNA for Genealogists: Who? What?, When? Where? (Intermediate)
·         From History to Present: DNA Research (Case Studies)
·         DNA All Day Workshop (all levels)

Research Tools
·         Tech Toys for Genealogists: It’s All Portable
·         Oral and Family History: Sharing Our Ancestors
·         The Cloud: Looking Forward to Backing Up
·         Technology Toolbox for Genealogists

African American Research
·         7 Tips to Researching Slaves and Slaveholders (with MO. Case Study)
·         Researching the Road to Freedom (Prior to the Civil War)
·         7 Resources to Researching Missouri Ex-Slaves and Free-Coloreds.
·         Using Ship Manifests for Slave Research
·         African Americans Served Too: Finding Revolutionary War and War of 1812 Records

International: Emigration - Immigration
·         When They Came to America Where Did They Go?
·         Blackbirding: Sugar, Cotton, and Slaves! Researching South Pacific Island Laborers
·         Did Your Ancestor Become a US Citizen? Where to find Records and Documents

Local Topics and Custom Designed Presentations
Have a unique topic?  Due to our vast client base and experience, presentation just for your local group can be customized. Of course actual images of documents and relevant research tips are shared and often accompanied by a case study.
·         “Delegation of Colored Men” 7 Resources to Researching Western-North Carolina Ex-Slaves and Free-Coloreds.
·         Pioneer Trail From Missouri to California: How to Trace Them?
·         Tracing My State Militia Records
·         Tracing Huguenots – From There to Here

·         Your Pioneer Ancestor and You!  How Our Ancestors Did It?
·         The Invisible Staircase: How Missouri Did It!

Entrepreneur You
·         Make Money: Your Genealogy Empire

Midwest and Missouri Specific
Image result for midwest map
Midwest German Settlers
·         Researching Germans from Russia Ancestors
·         8 Tips to Researching Your Missouri Rhineland Ancestors

Missouri Irish
·         Tips to Tracing Your MO. Irish Ancestor - From Immigration to Emigration

Bohemian Settlements
·         5 Research Tips to MO. Bohemian Ancestors

Friday, March 16, 2018

Press Release - New Partnership

DNA Analysis Is Important 
a3Genealogy, of Kansas City, Mo, is pleased to announce that, effective immediately, we have entered into a definitive partnership with In-Genes, a provider of genealogical DNA analysis and founder of the “DNA Heritage Finder” database. A significant benefit of this partnership will be in the area of non-paternal event and adoptee research.

The partnership with In-Genes, based in Los Angeles, further aligns and strengthens a3Genealogy’s position in the genealogical research industry and will create a more comprehensive infrastructure. In-Genes’ proprietary database “DNA Heritage Finder” and a3Genealogy’s longevity in the industry providing extensive genealogical expertise will expedite the process of DNA analysis and reporting and will result in greater efficiencies and significantly increase capacity.

We have worked together for media and individual clients for over a year and our business values and philosophies align: the client being the focus, delivering the best possible product with an emphasis on honesty, integrity, and scientific rigor, as well as connecting the past and present.

Please join us as we look forward to an exciting and prosperous future for a3Genealogy, our project partners, and our clients.

Kathleen Brandt
Accurate, accessible answers

Monday, March 5, 2018

RootsTech 2018

Hope, Love, Endurance, Unity and Family 

Roots Tech never disappoints! I spent most of my time in the Media Hub again this year.  The lineup of speakers were awesome. There was Brandon Stanton, Scott Hamilton, Natalia Lafourcade, and Henry Lewis Gates.  If you missed Roots Tech this year, I say, these speakers alone were worth the registration fee.  I had the opportunity of interviewing each of them. Every year I’m impressed with the keynote speakers (and I’ve attended every RootsTech but one). If you decided not to come this year, these presentations were also live streamed, so I hope you got the message of hope, love, endurance, unity and family. 

The issue with staying at home, is you have no idea what the energy is like or how easy it is to meet that smiling person across the room. I always think “there are no strangers here.” I see my Belgium friends, my Australian friends, my South African friends, once a year.  That’s a reason to be present.  Sure, we all connect on social media – facebookblog comments, Linkedin, Instagram, and of course Twitter (that’s my go to, when I need answers)-  but we catch up during this four day frenzy. Then we add another dozen or so more BFF’s to the list for next year. 

If I had to encapsulate this year’s trends I would say “buy up, partner up.”  I’ve never seen the likes.  I attended 4 meetings just on business dealings between companies.  It’s all about aligning your business.  And of course, everyone is aligning with DNA experts and companies.  The a3Genealogy team will making their DNA partner announcement soon. We have been working for a year now, on the partnership, it’s going swimmingly, so we are ready to dive in. By the way, we connected at RootsTech 2017!  I look forward to telling you more about our media use of this exciting proprietary DNA database and the partnership that has helped us solve some exciting brickwall discoveries of non-paternal and adoption cases this past year.

Oh and social media! If you aren’t partnering with a DNA kit company or a DNA analysis company - like a3Genealogy DNA, then you are partnering with a social media expert. As I said, “Buy up, Partner up.” 

Hope to see you next year at RootsTech 2019. Save the date: 27 Feb - 2 March, 2019. Be sure to keep an eye on the RootsTech blog.

Kathleen Brandt
Accurate, accessible, answers