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Wednesday, October 28, 2015

New 2016 Civil War Presentations

Southern Claims Commission's "Interrogatories" (partial)
Many are already planning for 2016 workshop schedules.  Here are two new presentations offered by Kathleen Brandt, a3Genealogy.  Workshops can be tailored to your interest (state interest, i.e. "What's available in Missouri? -any state or event, i.e. Black History Month, etc.)

Claim It!  - Civil War Treasures
Southern Claims Commission Records / Slave Claims Commission Records

Researching slave-holders in bordering states or your slave-ancestors? The Southern Claims Commission Records and Slave Claims Commission Records are rich in genealogical treasures (to include Missouri). These collections of property claims hold the names of claimants / slave owners, names of slaves and last slave owner, and accounts from witnesses that often tell family secrets. You may uncover family letters, Bibles, wills, personal accounts and more.

Audience:  Civil War Veteran Research
                   Slave Research

7 Tips and Hints to Post-War Research of Civil War Soldiers
Grand Army of the Republic (GAR) & other Civil War Union Veterans’ Association Records

Was your Civil War ancestor one of the 400,000 plus G.A.R members? Finding these
G. A. R. records and other state-held Civil War Union Veterans’ Association records can be challenging.  Learn strategies and resources to ferret out your Civil War soldiers’ post-war memberships to the GAR (1886 - 1956) and other popular veteran associations. These records may include parent’s names, dates of births and deaths, and “new” military information. 

Audience:  Civil War Veteran Research
                   Slave Research - ancestors may have join integrated or segregated post.

Kathleen Brandt
Accurate, Accessible Answers

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