Although blogs, and websites, allow for comments and replies to postings, true interactive discussions can be held using social network sites, like Facebook. These network sites are easy to set up and will let you and your clients pass between Blogs and Facebook seamlessly (Just click on the icon as seen above on either page.) It allows the users to use your blogs as a tutorial, and have access to online assistance with their researching woes.
I have recently set up a Facebook page for a3genealogy. I was not happy about monitoring one more information source, but after spending considerable amount of time exploring the benefits, convenience, and ease of sharing information, I have succumbed to the 21st century technology.
I have decided that the best use of my Facebook page is to allow for discussions, as well as, questions and answers postings. I have not committed to a live “online” chat session yet, but may do so if there is a need later.
On Facebook, I have opened up the Discussion box for postings, and I have links to the web postings here, that are relevant. Although I have suggested the first 3 discussion topics, I welcome visitors to post additional ones on the a3genealogy Facebook page.
I hope you all will become a Fan of the page (see the buttons on the Facebook page). The best part of being a fan, is you do not get inundated with information and you visit the site when you wish. We do not push out data to your Facebook Fans. But, what you might find, is that being around fellow “family seekers,” genealogists, and researchers can be stimulating – a great motivator for you on those “brick wall” days.
Click on the Facebook link to the upper left to become a fan and to participate in the discussions.
Kathleen Brandt
Accurate, Accessible Answers
Although this is under utilized, I have tracked that many users who find me on Facebook, do go to my blog to read the articles and either comment there or send me emails. Good results.