Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Saline County Mo., Colored Marriage Book 1865-1870

Colored Marriages of Saline County, MO, 1865-1870
Three hundred and forty-one African-American couples registered their marriages with the Saline County, MO. courthouse between 1865 and 1870. The Colored Marriages of Saline County, 1865 - 1870 is indexed by both groom and bride, and holds a complete copy of the original 111 page Court Recorder Colored Marriage Record book. The marriage records include the names of enslaved children born of each union. It also provides the researcher with names of black settlements, names of active church leaders that performed the marriages, and twenty historical black cemeteries of Saline County, MO.  

 Get your copy now!  

Colored Marriages 1865-1870

Colored Marriages 1865-1870
Be sure to follow the Colored Marriages of Saline County, MO., 1865 - 1870 website (blog) for more tips, hints and data.

Kathleen Brandt

Monday, April 14, 2014

5 Research Tips to Missouri Bohemian Resources

Map of Bohemia / Czech Republic, Geographicus
Bohemian Settlements
Few researchers learn of their Bohemian ancestors’ colorful history.  Actually our informal poll revealed that most researchers did not know Bohemia was part of the Austrian Hungarian Empire that could boast of its independent “kingdom” from the 1400’s to the end of WWI.  Even fewer noted knowledge of Missouri Bohemians colonies outside the popular south St. Louis settlements. But, Bohemian settlements scattered across America as far south as Louisiana to New York City.  Czech-Bohemian settlements populated midwest towns from Kansas and Minnesota to the Dakotas. And, there were colonies in Texas, Cleveland and Iowa. But the Missouri settlements are usually only mentioned in St.Louis; yet, there were Bohemian settlements that lined the Missouri River Valley. Even the Cuivre River Valley in Mo. had a small Bohemian settlement as early as 1840 (reference Lincoln County, Hawk Point, Mo. and historical Mashek, Mo.).

Bohemians were generally noted as those who originated from western Czechoslovakia. Bohemian Jews, from southern Bohemia began populating Missouri as early as 1816 (first noted in St. Louis). Czech Bohemians originating from the Austrian Empire began migrating to Missouri about 1847 speaking Czech and German. Whereas, many settled in south St. Louis, others settled in the following Missouri townships: 
  • Bolivar and Karlin
  • Cainsville
  • Fenton
  • High Rdge
  • Kansas City
  • Mashek
  • Rock Creek
  • St. Charles
  • St. Joseph 
Where to Research
Civil War Provost Marshal Record
Census records may give you a hint on your Bohemian ancestor’s origin, but their birthplace may be noted as Bohemia, Czechoslovakia, Austria, Austro-Hungary, or Germany. But, by corroborating census records with a few other useful documents, you may find answers to your Bohemian family research questions.
Provost Marshal Correspondence on Bohemians
Form RG110, NARA - KC, Civil War
  1. Civil War Records. Missouri Provost Marshal records found at the Kansas City - NARA, gives us tips/hints to the residences and social life of the Bohemians in Mo. (See RG110).  In Missouri more than 60 Bohemians served with the 2nd Regiment, US Reserve Corps, Mo. Volunteers; and 80 Bohemians served in the 4th Regiment Infantry, Missouri Volunteers.
  2. Naturalization Records. There are 1143 indexed naturalization cards/records on the Missouri Digital Heritage site noting birth place as Bohemia. It is also possible however, that your ancestor recorded his place of origin as Czechoslovakia. 
  3. Passenger List. Be sure to review the Czech Immigration Passenger lists, Vol. I – IX compiled by Leo Baca. We have found that many of the early Missouri Bohemians came through New Orleans from Bremen Germany, but this passenger list compilation includes most of the popular ports.
  4. Cemetery. When researching your Bohemian ancestor, don’t forget to check the local Jewish cemetery. In St. Louis begin your cemetery research with the New Mount Sinai Cemetery. Although many Bohemians were Jewish, others were practicing Catholics or FreeThinkers.  For ancestors of Jefferson County, MO, review the Cemeteries in Jefferson County, MO. Czech-Slavonic Benevolent Association: C.S.P.S. (Bohemian) Cemetery 
  5. Orphanage. Be sure to learn about the Hessoun Bohemian Catholic orphanage in Fenton, St Louis County, MO., 1908-1954. Bohemians and other Czech Slovak orphans from across America were admitted into the St. John Nepomuk Church orphanage. 
For More Information
Kathleen Brandt

Monday, April 7, 2014

7 Research Resources for U. S. Occupation in Latin America, 1915-1933

A U.S. Marine inspecting a troop of Haitian soldiers, 1920.
Soldiers Serving in Haiti, Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua
Rarely do researchers dig through the National Archives to uncover veteran ancestors and learn of their experiences in occupied Latin American countries during and shortly after WWI.  Yet, our Army, Navy, and Marine Corps veterans occupied the Dominican Republic (1916-1924), Nicaragua (1926-1933), and Haiti (1915-1934). These stories have been overshadowed by the larger wars and conflicts. 

Fold3.com, Medal of Honor Recipients
To provide the complex history and politics that play the strategic role of occupying these counties would be impossible here. However we recommend the researcher to have at least a cursory understanding of the politics which help lead to a successful research project. Topics from the beginning of President Woodrow Wilson’s term to the 1934 term of President Franklin D. Roosevelt should be reviewed.

Where to Research?
1)      Fold3. A search on Fold3.com may solidify your ancestors’ Latin American service.  A quick search revealed the service of U. S. Marine Corps, First Lt Earnest Calvin Williams.
2)      NARA, Record Group 80. Secret and Confidential Correspondence of the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations and the Office of the Secretary of the Navy,1919-1927. For the publication of the 117 rolls of microfilm visit .
3)      NARA, Textural Records, RG 127.8.  For Records of the US Marines in Haiti and Nicaragua and Records of Expeditionary Forces and Detachments, review the RG 127. 
Served in Haiti, 1914
4)      NARA, Maps and Cartographic Records. RG 127. Maps are a key tool when researching our military ancestors. Record Group 127.10 has an extensive collection of maps and plans of Haiti, Dominican Republic and Nicaragua and of the U. S. installations in these counties. 
5)      NARA, Department of State, Central Decimal Files, RG 59, General Records of the Dept. of State to include organizational unites, special subjects and events. Individuals are also periodically named. Central Decimal Files are located at Archives II. 
6)      Navy Dept. Listing. For a listing of Dominican Republic, Haiti, and Nicaragua military Marine vessels visit the List of Expeditions, 1901-1929

Kathleen Brandt
Accurate, accessible answers


The Colored Marriages of Saline County, MO, 1865-1870

Colored Marriages 1865-1870

Saline County

Learn More About the Slave Marriage Book Project

Kathleen Brandt, the founder of a3Genealogy, Kansas City, Mo,- was researching in Saline County, MO when she eyed a registry: Colored Marriages of Saline County, 1865-1870. One of the first rights granted to freed-slaves was to legalize their slave marriages. Information from these records will link the African American researcher to slave ancestors. It will also further descendants of Slave Masters to reference one more resource in their research.  

A Kickstarter.com project: Slave Marriage Book was immediately launched to digitize, index and transcribe each page of the book, and the many entries of the legalized slave marriages and children born to the union during slavery.

For additional information visit:

Hidden Historical Records - A Valentine Find (Cupid and the Slave Marriages)

For interview contact:
Kathleen Brandt

(Original post 2/1/4/13, Entitled: Press Release)