Saturday, April 16, 2022

Job Openings April - Jun 2022


Open Positions - Genealogists

 a3Genealogy research jobs are assigned based on clients' needs. Research applicants must meet the following requirements:
     1) expert in research topic as required by clients' needs
     2) familiarity with local repositories as required by posting
     3) proper citation - GPS

Job Assignments
Visit here frequently. a3Genealogy contracts researchers as needed for local/onsite repository research at courthouses, churches, and other local repositories. Each researcher will be issued a Job Description that must be signed and returned upon accepting job. We have in office assistance should researcher need administrative assistance, or if we can help you be successful with research projects.

10 Openings
  • (1) Minnesota - Norwegian  Research, early 1900's.
  • (1) Military Research, Archives II, College Park
  • (2) VA  - NC Research. Project may include State of Franklin
  • (1) Pre-1812 Expert Researchers, in VA
  • (1) Immediately: KY Research - Owenton KY Area
  • (1) African American Research / Document Retrieval, Ohio and Illinois1930-1960's
  • (3) Copy  / Document Retrieval jobs, KC - NARA
Start Package
In addition to a signed Job Description (Agreement), the a3Genealogy  Privacy Act Statement must be agreed upon.  Know that we comply with the Federal Tax Laws set for 1099 consultants and will request the completion of W9 in order to comply. 

Professional Development
For qualified researchers, a3Genealogy offers up to $250.00 vouchers toward Professional Development. 

Pay based on proven level of expertise. Always submit your hourly rate when applying and a copy of a non-published final report.  a3Genealogy pays upon receipt of Final Reports and /or Submission of Documents as defined in the Job Description, and if applicable the outlined "Deliverable / Final Product."

Every applicant is assigned a Level of Expertise: Intern, Assistant Researcher, Sr. Researcher, Project Manager. Research jobs usually have a 4 week turn around for 10 hour contracts. Document retrieval jobs, vary based on client deadline; most clients are quite flexible. 

Paid Internship Projects:
Please know that a3Genealogy also has paid Internship Projects. Candidates are usually hired if they have successful, or have had experience working in the desired location, but not yet professional. Our Internship Program, (that began in 2012), allows the aspiring Professional Genealogists to gain experience while having the safety net of direct contact with the Project Manage for guidance.  Interns are and financially compensated for their Final Report.  

Send resume with pricing structure and Final Report sample to:
Kathleen Brandt