Closed 21 Nov 2014
Two Open Positions - Genealogists
a3Genealogy research jobs are
assigned based on clients' needs. Research applicants must meet the following
requirements: 1) expert in research topic 2) familiarity with local repositories
and 3) location requirement
Job1, Family Research,
10 hours
2 Positions
2 Positions
Objective: Family Tree Research (U.S.A)
- This job will be primarily online research using professional databases, but also retrieving original documents (vital records, newspaper references, courthouse records, etc.). a3Genealogy pays for all pre-approved vital records.
- Must be able to properly cite references using GPS Standards. Final Report must be in Word file with .jpg or .pdf images. Must have excellent writing skills. 2 positions available.
- Any travel expenses must be pre-approved.
- No location requirements
Full job description will be provided.
All researchers must be experienced in writing Final Reports
and proper GPS citation. Certified Genealogists and ProGen graduates preferred.
However, we also use the following when needed:
Researcher Assistants
Document Retrievers (specify your location)
Send resume with pricing structure to:
Kathleen Brandt