Irish, Jewish, Catholic, Greek, Plus Other Records
Ancestors left their home places, families and the comforts
of their language and community behind when they took the voyage to the new
world. The world of hope was on the other side of the sea. Those who made the trip were processed at
ports like Ellis Island, exiting to what should have
been a land of opportunity. These were the lucky ones; albeit homeless, poor,
and sick.
Their luck often ran out as they exited the processing
station. They needed shelter, food, jobs and healthcare, but they were often met
by "runners" known as scammers, today. With little knowledge and a bit
weary and desperate, they often fell into the trap of being exploited. With each flood of ethnic emigrations, new
arrivals fell prey. That is until Immigration Societies began forming with the
mission to provide the basic needs. Food, cash, housing and guidance was
provided to the new immigrant. Some societies offered lists of upstanding
businesses and care for children and women.
Between 1880-1920 these aid societies were in abundance, but
they were established as early as the late 1700's, like the ones for Irish
refugees. You may find in passenger lists that your ancestor was supported by
an Emigrant Society or ethnic aid society. Obituaries may list your ancestor's
involvement or membership. Church
records may record assistance given to your ancestor upon arrival. I've seen ancestors recorded immigrant
records supported by the Catholic church, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish organizations,
to name a few:
Catholic Emigrant Societies. Visit the New Advent, Emigrant Societies for a listing of Catholic emigrant societies.
Charitable Irish Society. In 1737 twenty-six men organized the Charitable Irish Society in Boston, Mass. The society collaborated "with the Irish Immigration Center and the Irish Pastoral Centre." Employment, housing, education, finance, health, and the law seminars were offered. Charitable Irish Society Records, 1737-2008 may be found at the Massachusetts Historical Society.
Hebrew Immigrant Aid
Society (HIAS). The HIAS, founded in
1881, provided meals, transportation, jobs and temporary housing for Manhattan
Jewish immigrants. The American Jewish Historical Society
(AJHS) collection includes immigrants arriving in Boston,
and Rhode Island, between 1870
and 1929. Arrival cards, individual case
files, and passenger lists from the Boston HIAS are now held at the AJHS which has
a collection of over 100 years.
Aid Society. The Emigrant Aid
Society founded in 1841, supported Irish immigrants. In 1850, the Emigrant
Savings Bank was founded to provide safe banking practices to include sending
bank drafts back to Ireland. Records from 1841 - 1975 are
held at the New York Public Library Manuscript Division. These records may also be found at the Family Search Library.
Royal Philanthropic
Society. In 1788 the Royal
Philanthropic Society was organized "for the admission of the offspring of
convicts and the reformation of criminal poor children." Mostly these children
roamed the streets of Great Britain
(majority in London) and parents
had been either transported to Australia.
or of Australian heritage. According to the website, this society housed,
clothed, fed, schooled and apprenticed these children with the end goal that
that they would become "useful members of society." The Admission, Discharge and Other Records, 1788-1890
can be found at the Family History Library.
Where to Begin
These records are not centralized. But the search for where they are housed is
worth the effort. They are full of
ancestral data. A good place to start
for Immigrant Society research is at the Family Search Library website using
the keywords "Emigrant Societies." Be sure to expand your search.

(Post updated 15 Sep 2020; original 2011).
Kathleen Brandt
Excellent resource, again. THANKS! ;-)