This is a reprinted post from 2009… but oh so fun when reminding
genealogy researchers to review Criminal Records and Conduct Registers when
tracing ancestors. The following examples were all taken from (a
quick search on the name Santa Claus). You know you too are curious of what ‘ole
Santa was doing in the 1880’s.

In November of 1888, Santa Claus from Texas, was serving time in the State Penitentiary in Huntsville. He had to serve two years for rebellious conduct. He unfortunately didn’t complete his time, as he died 25 April 1889. one said Santa was immortal!
It Might Be Legal In Some Places, but….
At a3Genealogy we aren’t sure if Santa
isn’t being mistreated…a bit. In
Minnesota, women can face up to 30 days in jail for impersonating Santa Claus…it
was on the books as late as 2012. Wondering if that has changed this past year!
Merry Christmas from the a3Genealogy Staff and Researchers!
Kathleen Brandt