I find royal descent research to be fascinating. It is said that more than half of the Presidents of the United States (or their wives) can be traced to being of royal descent, as did many colonists from Virginia and Massachusetts.
For a recent project dealing with the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne, I had to brush up on “Charles the Great,” and his many name references. Here is a great brief on this emperor: http://www.charlemagne.org/krslch.html. He was quite popular with our American ancestry.
I found the Society of Royal Bastard Ancestry as comedic, as it is one big oxymoron. But, true enough there is such a society and proud descendants of illegitimate English royalty are members. Why not? It is about the bloodline.
And, who wouldn’t want to trace their ancestry to 1215? This was the year that 25 barons witnessed King John “set” his seal on the Magna Carta. Of the twenty-five barons, seventeen have descendants.
If you are almost there, maybe stuck on generations thirty- five or so, you may wish to contact the society; they may be able to assist you in connecting those final dots. Otherwise, there are genealogists who specialize in Royal connections for lineage society memberships.
Happy Royalty Researching!
Kathleen Brandt
Accurate, Accessible Answers
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