Subscribe for a MyHeritage $300 value
Every month one new subscriber to is randomly
chosen to receive this $300.00 value MyHeritage Complete Package.
You must subscribe at the to qualify.
If you use the this link to purchase, proceed from each kit are donated to - a not for profit, 501c3 Charity Organization for underserved communities. is 100% volunteer based. However, your donations pay for infrastrure (domain, website, etc) and educational materials expenses.
Perhaps you didn't know that if you have paid for one DNA kit from ancestryDNA, MyHeritageDNA, 23andMe, FamilyFinder of FamilyTreeDNA or LivingDNA you can share those results for free on other DNA testing sites. So you pay for one, but can get up to 3 free sets of results, 3 re-analysis of ethnicity regions/data, 3 sets of new cousins to analyze.
It's easy.
>Set up a free account on the new site
>Download the DNA Raw Data (DNA Data) from your paid kit to your computer. Don't open it, just download.
Need help finding RawData?ancestryDNA
FamilyFinder, of FamilyTreeDNA
Upload your DNA Raw Data (DNA Data) from your paid kit to other sites following one of the instructions below. Why not? It's Easy and free.
Upload to LivingDNA (strong in European connections)
Note: You cannot upload to or 23andme, but you can use their Raw data to upload to myHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA and LivingDNA. As I mentioned, until we learn about the future of 23andMe, a3Genealogy is no longer recommending that OTC (Over the Counter) DNA testing kit. If you have already tested there, you do not want to lose your 23andMe data, so download your Raw Data to your desktop or a safe space.
> Genealogy in Black and White
> Identifying Native Americans: The Mysteries of the Tyeskey Lineage
> Ships & Plantations - Kansas Ancestor McKinney
Since we are primarily a podcast, most of our Hittin' the Bricks youtube uploads are just a convenient way to listen to the podcast. Not all of the episodes have been loaded, but that should be completed by May 2024. Know that there are a few YouTube gems where you will have video of John interviewing Kathleen.

Kathleen Brandt & The Board of Tracing Ancestors
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